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13th November 2018 – TES Podcast with Dr. Cecilia Chan

Dr. Cecilia Chan has been invited to podcast by the Times Education Supplement (TES) to share her professional insights on generic skills and discuss about curriculum choices: what we are teaching now, why we make those choices and what impact those choices have on happiness and future prospects of the current crop of school-age children. In the podcast, Dr. Chan emphasized the importance of shifting the education culture by balancing academic knowledge with 21st Century skills. “I think we need to balance the academic, to shift the culture, so we are addressing 21st Century skills. It is not just about employment, but how we develop and live as a person” said Dr. Chan.

This podcast relates to her article titled “Tiger moms and dads: Driven by the ‘Catch-22’ environment?” which will be published by Times Higher Education on 7th December 2018.

For those who are interested to listen to the full podcast, please click link below.